Glenview (IL) Covenant Conducts Final Service

Post a Comment » Written on May 27th, 2008     
Filed under: News
By Stan Friedman

GLENVIEW, IL (May 27, 2008) – Members of Glenview Covenant Church concluded the congregation’s formal ministry Sunday by proceeding out from the sanctuary and onto the front lawn, following a large wooden cross.

It was there, on the lawn, that pastor Brad Hill “re-commissioned” them to go into the world and make disciples.

Closing“It was as glorious and gracious an ending as one could possibly hope for,” says Hill, who has been pastor of the church for nearly seven years.

Glenview Covenant was founded in 1944. Members voted earlier this year to close after attendance continued to average 38 people, despite attempts to reach out to the community.

About 150 people attended the church’s final service. A special choir composed of many former members sang their final songs, and Herb Hedstrom, who had been pastor for 22 years, also gave a brief Memorial Day message before Hill spoke and co-celebrated communion.

Hill preached from Luke 5:1-11, with special emphasis on the final verse – “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” He concluded by telling the congregation: “The closure of this church is exactly that for us. Where is he taking us? What adventures and dangers lie ahead? He intends to make us fishers of people, so follow him down the new road, away from our familiar beach and full boats to the new fish ponds.”

During the service, church officials presented the property title and building keys to Jerome Nelson, Central Conference superintendent. Nelson encouraged the congregation, reminding them that their ministry will continue and closing his remarks by leading the assembly in a litany of closure.

The congregation then followed Hill to the front lawn, walking behind a cross that he carried. The choir concluded with singing, “May the Lord Bless You and Keep You.”

About 120 people gathered on Saturday night for a farewell banquet. Members shared stories and a slideshow of the church’s history was shown.

Glenview Korean Covenant Church will continue to meet in the church facility for at least a year.

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