Another way to talk about the U.S. race debacle

You know better than I do, the shootings and conversations about race in the U.S. have been heart-wrenching and extremely divisive.  I appreciated this interview (link below) with two Chicago pastors (one is black and one is white, but the article doesn’t really emphasize that) and think they find language to bridge the divide a bit. Our ministry in Japan is with immigrants and people of all races. One of our goals is reconciliation to ourselves, to each other and to Jesus.  Just because we say we believe all people are equal doesn’t mean we are exempt from continuous self-examination and reflection about how we are contributing to racism in the U.S. (or in our case, Japan) through our thoughts, our actions, our words and so often, our inaction.  Sharing this in hopes that all who read this can be light and love in the darkness and hate, and we may see ourselves as true sisters and brothers, all children of God. Click here to access the article.

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