Posts under ‘Opinion’

Blessings and inspiration

Every year we are able to attend the Midwinter pastors’ conference we find ourselves blessed and inspired and this year was exception.  The blessings come from in many ways including: the rich worship experiences, new songs, conversations about life and …

A Wound in the Heart of Africa

This looks like a very interesting book.  Probably depressing at times, but also revealing.  The link is to the NYT book review about it.

AFRICA’S WORLD WAR “Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe” by Gérard …

TIME on positives in business in Africa

After the previous discouraging post about the negative impact of foreign aid in Africa, this article in TIME, 23 March, is very encouraging about business developments across Africa.  May they continue to grow!

Africa, Business Destination. Unlike a lot of …

Why Foreign Aid is Hurting Africa

This article is jolting at the same time that is contains much truth.  There are really tough issues that need to be addressed.  I would love to have a conversation with African friends about the issues raised here and what …

What In the World Is Going On?

What In the World Is Going on? by Herbert Meyer.

“Currently there are four major transformations that are shaping political, economic and world events.  These transformations have profound implications for American business leaders and owners, our cultures and on our …

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