Papa Duale: a much respected and gifted leader laid to rest Friday

Friday was Papa Duale’s funeral in Gemena at the Bokonzo Church.  Keith Gustafson sent this description of the day and the commemorations.

Even before the Friday funeral he was honored in Kinshasa on Wednesday afternoon and evening. People were at

Inke refugee camp visit

Refugees the world over face difficult living conditions and that is no different at the Inke camp for refugees from the Central African Republic.  We visited this camp of 20,000 registered refugees last week after our seminar at the Gbado-Gboketsa …

Diamonds in the rough

Every day of the week the diamond diggers or miners in the villages surrounding Mbuji-Mayi area sell the diamonds they found the day before to the buyers at the “comptoirs” [counters]. These buyers in turn take the diamonds to Mbuji-Mayi …

CHE having big impact in southern Congo

Wow!  CHE (Community Health Evangelism) has significantly impacted the communities in the areas we’ve visited and continues to do so.  Just four months ago another small church was planted in Tshilundu and back in July 2015 one was planted in …

Filming for Covenant Kids Congo








I enjoyed watching Luke Johnson work taking videos footage for Covenant Kids Congo.  He was very creative and always polite about asking permission.  Enjoy a few pics of Luke at work.

Luke filming (6) [640x480]Luke filming (7) [640x480]

Luke filming (2) [640x480]

DSC05316 [640x480]



Poles going in ground for Zulu powerline

March 23 the engineers arrived and immediately started working with their Congolese co-workers to assemble and install the 85 poles for the new 7 miles power line between Karawa mission and the Zulu hydro-electric dam.






Flight changes and hosting in Congo

So what happens in Gemena if your flight to Kinshasa is scrubbed and you have to wait until the next day?  And, what about your international tickets out of Kinshasa that night?  And, what about room and board, what will …

CHE is changing lives in Bogbakole & Botakambia

“I’ve noticed that those who are in the CHE (Community Health Evangelism) training are speaking more in church meetings and giving good reflections on the Scripture.  What they’re saying has more depth to it.  I am going to offer that …

Computer lab dedicated at Lycee Vanette

HALLELUJAH the new computer lab at the Lycee Vanette girls’ secondary school at Karawa was completed and dedicated last Friday.  In his remarks about the lab the Rev. Goyenge said  “God brought about this fruit and we must praise Him …

Gbagu’s boat









Some things seem impossible. Gbagu (pronounced Ba-goo) does not understand impossible.

Gbagu owns a big boat, one that can transport up to 12 tons of goods. In northwestern DR Congo, where roads …

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