Congolese pastors empowered and encouraged through continuing education seminars

“These seminars have really encouraged me. These could start a revival in the CEUM.  I was reminded of aspects of ministry I had forgotten about,” were some of the comments by the 730 pastors attending the recent continuing education seminars in NW Congo.  Three seminars were held, one each in Gemena, Karawa and Gbadolite.

pastors attentively taking notes

pastors attentively taking notes








A team of 5 leaders spent two weeks in April praying, studying, writing and critiquing each other’s presentations in preparation for the seminars.  Missionary colleague David Stockamp commented that “there truly a wonderful team spirit amongst these men.  They care for and helped each other.  They had each other’s back.

Karawa Seminar [640x480] pastor listening [640x480]


Some other comments”  CEUM President Mboka, “If the continuing pastoral education team does in all of the seminars what we experienced in the Bokonzo pool there will be revival.” 

breakfast [640x480]

breakfast and break time

breakfast and break time






“The pastors in the seminars were so attentive.  If they missed a scripture reference they wanted us to go back and repeat it.  They did not want to miss a thing.” Rev. Matthieu Mbula.

“I am thankful for the vision that David received for continuing education.  The training is waking our pastors up and rekindling a desire to study God’s Word.  This is so appropriate for the times we live in today. Our pastors need to be equipped.” Rev. Ambwa

praying and taking notes

praying and taking notes

praying and taking notes

praying and taking notes






David Stockamp commented:  “During the final communion service [in Gbadolite] I found myself amazed by God’s goodness.  I was so grateful for the sacrifice these pastors made to be there.  Many come on bikes, while others walked or hitched a ride.  Some came partway by canoe!  As I watched the communion lines form my heart brimmed with joy.  I thanked God for the opportunity to come back now for the third time since last year’s heart attack.  Follow this link to learn more of David’s story over the past year.”  

These seminars are the first step in fulfilling the objectives of Friends of World Mission project #221.  Training Pastors in Congo.  You can give online to the project by clicking here:  FOWM #221.  David comments about the need:

“Isolation is a significant challenge for the 1,700 Congolese pastors. The congregations these pastors serve are spread over a vast terrain. Resources are scarce and transportation is very difficult to non-existent. The Continued Pastoral Education Initiative encourages and empowers Congolese Covenant pastors by providing supportive resources and conducting regular continuing education gatherings.”  



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