Missionary family gathering

singing- shot from above smI felt  richly blessed last Saturday evening with conversation and singing with missionary colleagues and children of colleagues at Jeff & Carolyn Stoker’s house in Vista, CA.  It was a rich, rich feeling of pleasure being together with a precious family.  I’m scrambling to find the words to describe the deep feeling of peace and belonging with this group of people.

We were brought together by the wedding reception for Ron and Krisint (Noren) Burke.  The festivities were July 5.  Saturday the 6th we went to the beach with many of those present and in the evening were again hosted for supper by the Stokers.  Present were missionaries and adult missionary kids (MKs) who have or continue to live serve in Cameroon, the Central African Republic and DR Congo.  Many knew each other from before, but some had only met recently.  While some lived and served overseas for many years and others for only a short period of time, yet there is a deep connection between us.

We numbered about 20 of which the adult MKs outnumbered their parents.  I won’t try to list everyone present because I’ll surely forget someone.  Desiree Bakken and Jeff led us in worship singing numerous songs that spoke to our hearts.  It brought me back to rich memories of worship with the missionary communities in Congo and Cameroon.  to lifting up His name.

Of particular pleasure was the conversations with the MKs as I learned where they are now and how God has been at work in their lives.    These connections made the worship that much sweeter as together we had much to celebrate, much to offer as praise to our Lord.

singing- sm

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2 Responses to “Missionary family gathering”

  1. Dave Wood says:

    I’m sure I wouldn’t have known many of those who were there, I know it would have been a wonderful time. I just received the update from Mike & Ruth E. K about the Congo reunion in August. 47 people are registered—why don’t some of you who read this join us?

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  2. Jeff Dangers says:

    Wow! It is a great surprise and joy to know that there are numerous Congo-family members here in southern CA! I hope to be in contact and to see you soon! I am preparing to leave for Gemena with Wycliffe Associates in November, Lord willing! It will require a series of miracles to make it happen! I am relieved to know that God is still majoring in miracles! I am greatly encouraged to know that there are CEUM missionaries in the Ubangi-Mongala and am eager to connect with you!

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