Recently I mentioned to a friend that I was going to go to a sale where they auctioned off a wide variety of farm equipment. They asked me, well what do you mean? I went on to try to describe what takes place at a farm auction or other type of auction in our part of NW Iowa. The response was “OK, but I don’t really understand it completely.” So here are a couple examples of what took place recently.
As you watch the short clip above, can you tell who finally buys the auger for $425? That’s easy because it’s clear at the end of the clip. More importantly, can you see when he gives his final bid? I’ve commonly joked with visitors that they need to be sure to never nod their head at an auction or who knows what they will have just bid on or purchased. No, it’s not quite like that. The guy in the middle in the white shirt is watching those who’ve expressed an interest in the item, auger in this case, and calls out when they have bid.
Here’s another clip of the completion of an auction. another sale completed. Notice the wide variety of equipment crammed close together.
One last clip. I climbed up on a wagon to get a bit of a view of the variety of equipment for sale. You can hear the auctioneers going strong. Yes, there are 2 of them and they’ve been going all day. view of equipment for sale
A couple other pictures from the sale.