Models for mission in Ruth


View of the of the beach and chairs at Hotel Ilomba, Kribi

View of the of the beach and chairs at Hotel Ilomba, Kribi









Our biennial Africa missionary spiritual retreat, what we call Fellowship, was again at this beautiful hotel on the beach S of Kribi, Cameroon.  The setting, the accommodations, the meals (yummy chocolate mousse!), the fellowship with colleagues together combine to make for a renewing and refreshing week.  This year was no different.

Paul DeNeui, professor of missions at North Park Theological Seminary, led us in a study of the models for mission we find in the book of Ruth.  Ever thought of looking for those before?  Neither had I, but they are there and they are profound.  Examples:

  • Naomi truly settled in Moab and became like one of the people there
  • Boaz looked to help those the Lord had placed “in his field.”  Paul asked us to reflect on and determine “who has the Lord placed in our field?”  Great question to continually work on.
  • Ruth was a foreigner, but she sought to become an insider, one of the people with whom she had committed to live with.

Thanks Paul.

Paul DeNeui for the defense [800x600]

Paul playing a defense lawyer in a skit








fruit tree rappers [800x600]

fruit tree rappers Roy and Paul. They did a rap which is the botanical names of many tropical fruit trees. Yes indeed!








Fellowship also includes fun and relaxation.  We got good laughter medicine from the many skits and songs at fun night.  There was conversation on the veranda of the hotel bar by the beach, beach volleyball, bocce ball in the sand, horseshoes, swimming, body surfing when the waves cooperated, games after the evening activities, reading on the lounges,…  What more could you want?  We thank the Lord for this renewing time.

praying for colleagues [800x600]

Each person present was given 7 minutes to share about life and ministry and then we prayed for them. This is a precious time.

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One Response to “Models for mission in Ruth”

  1. Judy Amundsen says:

    So glad that the retreat went well. God’s timing is incredible! Did anyone video the rap performance? Would love to see that!

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