Expanding Children’s Program in Thailand

Post a Comment » Written on December 30th, 2013     
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In August, CWR focused on the growing fish farms in Northern Thailand and the creation of the Bright Future Children’s Program. Then, there were 30 children involved; now the program has grown to 82 children from the five villages. These children come to the Amnuay Sook Camp every Saturday to participate in lessons in Thai music, English language, crafts, and Bible lessons. The staff visits the homes of these children and is building relationships with the community. On Mother’s Day in Thailand the children made cards and the mothers came for a presentation and blessing ceremony.mother day cards

The goal of this project is to teach the children skills, such as proficiency in English, ground them in who they are in God’s eyes, and help them through some of the major challenges they may face as they grow older, such as drug addictions and being lured into human trafficking.

Bright Future Project Art


Art is one of the children attending the Saturday program. He is smart, full of potential, always smiling, and always willing to lend a helping hand. The very first week he attended the program he had very intense stomach pains. Some children who knew him said it was because he hadn’t had a proper meal in several days. He doesn’t have a mother or father to care for him, and hops from relative to relative with no one really looking out for his needs. The program directors are excited for the ways they can begin to work with Art and help him grow, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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