Lent Prayer Guide: Week 3

Post a Comment » Written on February 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Lent Campaign 2013, News & Updates

Below are prayer points for the third week of the Lent Prayer guide. Each week will focus around a different need in DR Congo with scripture and prayer points. If your church is interested in receiving these materials weekly via email, please email us at covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org and request them today. To view a sample of part of the material, click here or read the scripture and prayer points below. You can also view our preaching points by clicking here.

Luke 2:41-52

Children are a precious gift from God. Parents and caregivers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo want their boys and
girls to grow up strong and capable. A good education is what they need to get jobs, enjoy health, and bring progress to their communities. But so many things stand in the way of their hunger for knowledge.

Please pray with me for education for children of the Congo.

Many Congolese children, especially girls, spend their days carrying water, taking care of their siblings, and working instead of going to school. Three in ten children never attend primary school; 70 percent don’t finish high school.

Loving Father, kindle the love of learning in the hearts and minds of parents, teachers, and children. Give them hope for the future and determination to overcome every obstacle that prevents children from attending school. 

Many children in the DRC go to school in overcrowded classrooms in thatch-roofed huts without walls or desks and with no running water and toilets. They don’t always have the books, paper, pencils, and the skilled and dedicated teachers they need.

Lord, bless the teachers and the schools of the Congo. May these dedicated educators have everything they need in order for the children to learn and to grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2: 51-52)

Children can’t learn when they’re hungry. They can’t stay in school when they are sick with malaria or diarrhea.

Father, we lift up to You the precious children of Gemena. Strengthen the ability of their communities to keep them healthy and well fed and to educate them for a brighter future.

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