Make Giving Your Testimony

Post a Comment » Written on July 11th, 2012     
Filed under: Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Sermon

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25

No one would argue against the idea that one of the most joyous occasions life has to offer is the moment of giving.  Reflect with me on what that moment feels like. The evocation of fulfillment—the potency of purpose—the richness of hope for the future of that to which we have given! A moment full of meaning in an otherwise perplexing series of events, giving brings clarity of purpose.  In that one instant, we know what we are here to do: to help one another be our best selves and experience the joy of participating in one another’s journey. No other act is more rewarding than sharing ourselves, our lives, our resources, with another.

With so much to gain from the giving experience, it is baffling how little we share with each other the joys of giving and how infrequently we inspire others to give. I suppose there are many reasons why we avoid sharing our testimony on the gratification of giving. Perhaps we don’t want to seem pushy or boastful. Perhaps it’s because we don’t know one another’s circumstances, and we don’t want to make someone feel bad about their capacity (or incapacity) to give.

While our attempts are attune to grace and kindness, our neglect to share the goodness of giving and our neglect to encourage those around us to give out of their circumstance further deprives those we love of the best life has to offer: the joy of sharing who and what God has entrusted us with for another!

So today, as I think of what we might do to share the good news about Covenant Kids Congo, in addition to each of us giving sacrificially to our Congolese brothers and sisters, I am calling on each of us to also share with those within our circle of influence the story of how absolutely extraordinary it feels to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. As we each move to sign up to host a Hope Sunday event in our congregations or prepare to sponsor a child in Congo, I nudge you to call a colleague and a friend and inspire him or her through your giving testimony to set a date and sign up for a Hope Sunday or move to sponsor a child as well. In doing so, not only do you experience the joy of standing alongside our Congolese friends; you also enjoy the fulfillment of sharing the opportunity to give with another.

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