The Covenant Kids Congo team is hitting the road; attending many of the Covenant’s pastor/spouse retreats (or “ashrams” as we call them in the East Coast Conference).
I had the opportunity to spend a couple days with the Northwest Conference ministerium at their retreat near Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The Northwest Conference is doing incredible things when it comes to mission in Congo, and I was not surprised to find that many of our congregations in one of the Covenant’s oldest conferences were committed to add Covenant Kids Congo to their many Covenant partnerships. Spending one on one time with over a dozen churches, I heard how congregations were planning their Hope Sunday events in conjunction with their fall harvest festival, as their primary global commitment this year, or as a way to launch new small groups. No two churches were alike in the way they were partnering with CKC, which underscores that God is doing unique and amazing work in churches no matter their ministry context. Mobilization is occurring with and for Congo.
I also had an opportunity to share in the first evening’s worship and facilitate some conversation. A few pastors had important questions about the project, including the simple, but important “How can I get the Hope Sunday event kit?” – so if you haven’t signed up online or have any questions at all (like, “I did sign up – where is my kit?!”), don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help and serve…and excited to hear how God is working in your church!
Written by Reesheda Washington, project leader
This past week, I had the honor and pleasure of partaking in the pastor/spouse’s retreat for the Pacific Southwest conference (PSWC).
My first two days there were spent reveling in God’s word! I enjoyed both the message bestowed upon Efrem Smith, Pacific Southwest Conference superintendent, as well as Mark Novak, executive minister of the Department of Ordered Ministry. It was striking how seamlessly aligned both messages were to the theme: The Liberation of Rest.
As I shared when delivering my own message to the group on Wednesday morning, there were many great gems to take away from the conference. One of the most valuable was that God gives us rest – it is not something that we must work to earn. Another jewel from the conference was the question of how much more effective we would be if we rested first, and then participated in kingdom building AFTER we rested? Seemingly we would be much more energized for the call, if we simply rested first, and then operated out of that rest, as opposed to the other way around.
It was a blessing to meet so many brothers and sisters of the PSWC! The warmth, kindness, and fellowship I have often encountered as a new “Covie,” pervaded this conference in typical Covenant fashion!
As I began to witness about what God has done and continues to do in DR Congo, people were very excited that they were involved, and that their church’s planning for Hope Sunday was well underway. Additionally, both Curt Peterson, executive minister of the Department of World Mission, and I had pastors share with us that as a result of the ways in which we had shared the Congo with them at this retreat, they were on their way back to their home churches to begin preparations for hosting a Hope Sunday as well!
These are exciting times in the life of Covenant Kids Congo, and I am blessed to be a part of this incredible ministry. We now have over 200 churches who have expressed interest in hosting a Hope Event, with close to 150 churches with confirmed dates! To God be the glory! Will your church be next!?!?