Novak Nominated to Lead Covenant Ordered Ministry

21 comments Written on April 20th, 2012     
Filed under: News
CHICAGO, IL (April 20, 2012) – Mark Novak has been nominated to serve as executive minister of the Department of the Ordered Ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church, it was announced today.

Novak currently serves as superintendent of the North Pacific Conference (NPC), a position he has held since 1999.

He received his undergraduate degree in political science from Seattle Pacific College and a Master of Divinity from North Park Theological Seminary. He was ordained in the Covenant in 1980.

Mark Novak

He served as youth pastor at Interbay Covenant Church in Seattle, Washington; associate pastor at Modesto Covenant Church in Modesto, California; senior pastor at McMinnville Covenant Church in McMinnville, Oregon; and as senior pastor at Redeemer Covenant Church in Orangevale, California, before accepting the call as conference superintendent.

His nomination concludes a lengthy and thorough process that considered 70 names recommended by individuals around the Covenant. From that list came the names of eight individuals who were asked to formally candidate.

“It is clear that God has long been making ready the way, preparing our colleague for this new work,” said Tom Ek, chair of the search committee. “Mark has wonderful experience as a local pastor and as a church planter. Having been superintendent of the NPC now for over 12 years, he has been directly involved in denominational leadership and in caring for and equipping pastors and local churches. He has a vision for engaging the recommendations of Organizing for Mission in the Department of the Ordered Ministry and has the leadership skills and standing with its staff, our board, and in our Ministerium to truly hit the ground running.”

Ek’s sentiments were echoed by three colleagues serving on the search committee: Willie Peterson, Diane Stevensen, and Margaret Logan.

“Mark emerged as an easy choice with his resume,” said Peterson, “but more than that, he humbly displays the passion for this challenging task. The Covenant can anticipate God doing great things under his leadership.”

“As superintendent, Mark has been a true advocate for his pastors and has demonstrated love and care for all he has worked with,” Stevensen said. “Mark has a love for his brothers and sisters of color and worked hard to advance the mosaic quality of the Covenant. He brings strong leadership skills and understands the challenges facing the department and the complexity of the task. We feel that Mark will be a good connection between conferences, the seminary, and the department in working to strengthen Covenant ministers.”

“As a member of the board and as a member of the laity, I could not be happier,” said Logan, “with one exception. Because my term expires in June, I will not have the privilege or honor of serving under Mark’s ministry leadership. I can only imagine the rewarding experience.”

President Gary Walter praised Novak’s selection as well. “Mark is uniquely qualified through his gifts, experience and heart,” Walter said. “I am grateful to Mark and his wife, Marilyn, for their willingness to follow the call of God. This is a good day for the kingdom, the Covenant, and all of our gifted and godly clergy.”

Thanking all who were involved in the process for their affirmation of his selection, Novak said he is willing to respond to the Covenant’s call “because I want to continue the great work of the department in strengthening the vocation of pastoral ministry. I am excited to work with the current staff to continue to enhance systems that encourage and nurture the professional development and health of our clergy. I am honored and overwhelmed with the opportunity to serve my colleagues through this office.”

Novak’s nomination will come before delegates attending the June Annual Meeting in Irvine, California. If approved, Novak will assume his new responsibilities on September 1.

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21 comments “Novak Nominated to Lead Covenant Ordered Ministry”

A wonderful choice!! Mark is superbly qualified for this new ministry in his life and in the life of the Church! God’s rich blessing on Mark and Marilyn as they make this significant change in their lives!

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Wow Mark, what an honor!  Congratulations.  What will your responsibilities be for this position?  Do you have to relocate?  How is Jarod?  Tell him I said hi.


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We could not be more pleased with this nomination for Mark Novak. He is a mentor, and wonderful role model for leadership in the Covenant. His leadership will bless many lives and many congregations. Congratulations Mark & Marilyn. We will always pray for you.

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Congratulations Mark!

Your nomination to serve as the Executive Minister of the Ordered Ministry is great news!  What an affirmation of the gifts that God has given you.  

I will be praying for you and your family in this time of transition.

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Congratulations, Mark! They picked the best possible candidate! With my love and continued prayers

Anna Mae

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Wonderful choice!

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Congratulations, Mark! I enjoyed working with you years ago in your first job in Modesto. May our LORD continue to bless you and Marilyn.

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Woohoo! What a blessing you have been to the conference! We are so thankful for your leadership and how God will use you in this new ministry! Praying for you and your family during this transition!

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An excellent choice!

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Seems we are raising up good leadership here in the North Pacific. We keep losing them to work in Chicago. However, I am certain we will all benefit from the service given by Mark Novak.

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A great call. I have been impressed by his warm and gracious spirit. He models a Christ like spirit. He takes nobodies and makes them feel like somebody. Thank you.

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Well done search committe and congratulations Mark! God has great things in store for the days ahead!

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Congratulations Mark! God’s hand is clearly upon you. I can remember like it was yesterday waiting for my final interview as a pastor being ordained in the Covenant. I was shaking in my boots and your gracious affirmation changed my tremors into shouts of joy!!! You’ve got just the right mix! Blessings,

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I am so grateful for the fine people who provide leadership in the Covenant. Mark’s insight, giftedness, experience and grasp of the Gospel and it’s implications will serve to make him a wonderful servant in this role.

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I am grateful beyond words for Dave Kersten and the Board of Ordered Ministry. I am so very glad by the choice of Mark Novak, his kindness and care for my family were part of the Covenant’s carrying us to the feet of Jesus during a time of crisis. Thank you Dave and Mark for your faithfulness in my life and being the hands, feet and voice of Jesus.

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Congratulations Mark! I will never forget the encouragement and time you spent with Inger and I whhile she was battling her cancer. I don’t think I could have gotten through those six months there in Seattle without your help and of course God’s presence with us. We wish you God’s blessing as you take on this new position. Phyllis and Dale

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Dotty joins me in sending our congratulations, Mark! We think you are superb choice. Warmest best wishes.

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Mark is a terrific leader who will add much to the clergy health of the denomination through the Ordered Ministry… but we’ll be very sad to no longer have him in the North Pacific Conference. God’s blessings on you Mark as you and Marilyn make this move!

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Mark, you’re a great choice but you will be sorely missed in the Pacific NW.

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Congrats to Mark Novak for this wonderful nomination. I know Mark will serve our Lord, the Ev Covenant and the
People of God faithfully in this new position.  Praise God!
Doug Wootten, Assoc Pastor, Asbury United Methodist Church, Madison , AL

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Mark, we couldn’t be happier for you and Marilyn. The Search Committee definitely knew what they were doing in selecting you for this position. Because of your leadership the Covenant and those that dwell therein will be supremely blessed.
Love and God bless,
Cindy & Lew

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