New Name for Covenant Clergy Women Organization

3 comments Written on April 19th, 2012     
Filed under: News
CHICAGO, IL (April 19, 2012) – Advocates for Covenant Clergy Women (ACCW) is the new name for the organization previously known as the Association for Covenant Clergy Women.

The name change clarifies that all credentialed clergy – male and female – can become partners, says President Catherine Gilliard.

ACCW also is now accepting nominations for three awards that will be presented during the Covenant Ministerium gathering during the denomination’s Annual Meeting in June. This year’s awards are given to women who have remained faithful in their call. In alternating years, an award also is presented to men who advocate for women clergy to have more opportunities to use their gifts.

Awards presented this year will be the Victoria Welter Scholarship, the Phoebe Church Planter Grant, and the Evelyn M.R. Johnson Leadership Award.

The Victoria Welter Scholarship honors the first female student to graduate from North Park Theological Seminary. When the class picture was taken, she was denied her place in the photo because her classmates voted against allowing her to be part of it. The scholarship is awarded to a female seminarian who is a member of an Evangelical Covenant Church and is enrolled as a full-time student at the seminary, pursuing a master’s degree in ministry. The $300 scholarship is paid to the seminary and used for books or tuition expenses.

The nomination deadline is May 1, and everyone can submit nominations. Click here for more information.

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3 comments “New Name for Covenant Clergy Women Organization”

Good name change!  I am hopeful that more and more of our constituency will become advocates of women clergy fully living into God’s call on their lives!

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Paul’s letter to the Romans is completed through exhortations such as these in Romans 16

“I wish you to receive her (Pheobe) in the Lord in a way worthy of his people” (16:1), Greet Priscilla and Aquilla, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me”. (16:3-4)
“Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you”. (16:6) Greet Tryphena and Typhos, these women who work hard in the Lord”. (16:12) Greet my dear Persia, another woman(16:12)…. Paul advocated for the church to receive the women who were called, gifted and obedient in serving the Lord. There is no complete discription of the call and gifting they lived into, which perhaps tells us that simply once again, what ever we are called to, both men and women, we are to work in unity for the Lord, as the Holy Spirit gifts us. As a woman, called and gifted by God to serve the church as an ordained pastor, I am so thankful for those who will advocate for the letting go of patriarchal tradition, that women may some day be freely accepted by people, in the call we receive by the Lord, to care for the church as pastors, as clergy. I believe perhaps when we advocate for the church to receive the women who diligently serve, we live in the present, into the good company of our past. Amen.

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It is such a blessing to be part of a denomination that values and affirms women in leadership, and a wonderful thing to have the name change for the ACCW reflect denominational support from both men and women!

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