Jeff Mazzariello

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Seminars: We’re Here to Serve
Currently serving as: Spiritual Formation Pastor at Marin Covenant Church
Credentials: B.S. Human Development U.C. Davis; B.A. Speech Communication U.C. Davis; M.Div Fuller; Seminary Studies North Park and Ordained by the ECC in 1992


Spiritual journey: The highlight of my spiritual journey over the last several years has been around a renewal in worship. I’ve always been a “heart” guy. But I used to be more of a thinker with a good heart. Somehow (but that’s a longer story), Jesus got a hold of my heart in ways I never knew could be experienced. Finding myself to be a Worshiper, and finding Him to be the thing of greatest value has been pretty sweet…

Call to ministry: I grew up without a spiritually oriented home. And so my journey toward Christ was rooted in a high school group and church that had on its heart to walk with me and reach out to me in ways I could understand. This has profoundly affected my heart for how the Body of Christ reaches our world. And it is has shaped how I use my gifts to share Jesus in ways that hopefully people can get it, even though they aren’t steeped in the Church or its ways. This is my calling and I love it.

I am passionate about: Running, Tacos, Al Green, Hawaii, “Men of a Certain Age” TV show, Baseball. Oh, and Jesus, my wife, and my 4 kids.

How long have you been involved in ministry? I have been involved in Student and Family ministry since 1984.

What do you think is important that we know about you, as a member of the Speaker Team I’m one of the old guys. (I might finally have some stuff to say…)

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