Nate Severson

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Seminars: We’re Here to Serve
Currently serving as: Middle School Pastor of Hillcrest Covenant Church


Spiritual journey: Committed my life to Christ at an early age. While in 9th grade I rededicated my life to Him at a Dawson McCallister student conference and have continued to chase after His call in my life ever since.

Call to ministry: While in college I was convinced that I was called to work with older high school kids who “needed” me to take them to a deeper walk with Jesus. After explaining this to the youth pastor I was working with he promptly put me with 7th grade boys. During that time I was introduced to a whole new world that I quickly fell in love with and never want to leave.

I am passionate about: My amazing family (hot wife Kirsten, 3 studly boys Will, Jay, Ty and beautiful McKenzie), any and all sports, DVR, doing weddings for former students, doing things that are outside the box in ministry, long walks on the beach, coaching, really good coffee and daily being blown away by God’s Grace.

How long have you been involved in ministry? I have been a middle school pastor at Hillcrest since 1996…it’s the only church I have served in.

What do you think is important that we know about you, as a member of the Speaker Team? I love coming aside youth workers and helping to set them up to have amazing and life-changing conversations with their students! They are the ones on the front line with the kids so I want to serve and encourage them so when they go home the conversation will continue and deepen!

Although I spend the majority of my time working with middle school/junior high students I am really enjoying getting time with high school students and seeing how God is at work in their life as well. Seeing the seeds that were planted while in middle school grow while they are now in high school or adulthood is one of the greatest joys of my life!

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