Lloyd Gilbert

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Seminars: We’re Here to Serve
Currently serving as: Associate Pastor of Student Ministries for Rolling Hills Covenant Church
Credentials: I love working with youth! I have worked in small, medium, and large youth ministries. I have a B.A. from Biola University and M.A. in Christian Education from Talbot seminary with emphasis in adolescent development. I was ordained to Specialized Ministry with the ECC in 2008.
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Spiritual journey: I grew up being grounded in the Christian faith but became disengaged as my family slowly faded from church life. During my junior/senior year in high school, I came to the reality of filling a broken identity with things that didn’t matter and yielded my life to Christ and His work that He wanted to accomplish through me. From there began a long journey of reconciling that brokenness and moving forward in Kingdom living.

Call to ministry: When I was in jr. high I sensed God’s call on my life to be in ministry. During an altar call at the Southern Baptist Church I grew up in, I went forward and declared it to the church body. As I hit high school, I drifted from that reality and came back to it in my senior year. As I spent that year yielding more and more to Christ, I came on as an intern upon graduation from high school. From there, I continued serving in two different churches. It wasn’t until I completed the ordination with the ECC that I felt a completion to that calling back in jr. high.

I am passionate about: I love to challenge students to unpack the recorded scripts they heard growing up about Jesus Christ. I am passionate to set students free to be who God designed them to be and that God never leaves them even when life becomes messy. I want students to know that God is able to work beyond their wildest imagination in whatever circumstance.

How long have you been involved in ministry? I was involved as a Jr. High Intern for three years at the church I grew up in, a Director of Jr. High Ministry for four years at Whittier Hills Baptist church, and currently the Associate Pastor of Student Ministries and hands on Jr. High Pastor at Rolling Hills Covenant, where I have been employed since 1997.

What do you think is important that we know about you, as a member of the Speaker Team? I see myself as a pastor to the churches. I approach speaking from a servant’s heart and desire to meet the needs ranging from planning the topics to speaking within a desired framework. I am very flexible, word centered, story-teller, and have spoken in many settings and camps. While speaking, I love to hang out with the students to know how to pray for them and gauge the direction of the talks.

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