It’s safe to say that summer is in full swing! This means that Summer Camp has begun for many – so I’m pretty sure your first few days have been very busy.
For most, summer camp conjures up images of hiking, fishing and canoeing in the great outdoors. Personally, I remember a few days before summer camp: I felt the excitement and anticipation of my new adventure waiting for me. I was a quiet, curious and inquisitive teen, and the chance to be out in nature and to experience all the outdoor activities camp had to offer propelled my enthusiasm. To hike the trails, smell the grass, do arts and crafts, and ride horses.
If camp has made its way into your life, then I would recommend reading How to Use Camping Experiences in Religious Education by Stephen Venable and Donald Joy. This powerful book gives all the nuts-and-bolts of establishing and enhancing a successful Christian camp, plus presents material in a way which expresses the joyous experience of a dynamic, transformational Christian camp.
It is designed to aid the current or potential camp leader or counselor, as well as give insight to church school and Christian educators who are interested and concerned about church camp experiences, and how they might fit into an overall program of education and formation.
Happy Reading!