Check out this video to see the ministry you could help support by donating to one of these hikers!
Join us as we Take a HIKE to support the exciting ministry of Covenant Heights which changes kids’ lives forever. This event will happen rain or shine. The proceeds will be used to support the ministry of Covenant Heights which transforms the lives of youth, children, and guests through Christian camping in the Rockies.
Our Goal
Have at least 50 hikers collect a minimum of $200 in pledges from friends and family. That is only $20 from 10 friends. Then, come hike with us on June 11th and afterwards enjoy a BBQ dinner at the Heights.
If you prefer not to collect pledges, you may simply contribute the minimum donation and join the fun – kids 10 and under are free – but you are encouraged to include them in your efforts to raise pledges. You’d be surprised, kids really like this kind of thing and they are usually quite good at it!