We stand with you in prayer and seeking the Lord God in these days. We praise God that you are standing with us.
Colombia has been in an Obligatory National Isolation since March 21 and will continue until at least April 13. This means that everyone is to stay in their places of residence and only leave for approved and essential exceptions. One can leave for: 1) Assistance and provision of health services.; 2) One person per household can leave for the acquisition of basic necessities – food, beverages, medicines, medical devices, needed cleaning supplies and goods of ordinary consumption in the population; 3) Essential banking, financial and payment services, and notary services; 4) Assistance and care for children, adolescents, people over 70 years of age, people with disabilities and patients with special treatments that require assistance from trained personnel. There are 30 other official special exemptions that allow the basic country, city, etc. infrastructure of life to continue, but these show basically what we can do, as normal residents.
We covet your prayers for all those who are suffering physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and economically at the moment. And for those infected with the Coronavirus, and for those who suffer from fear, anxiety, isolation, disappointment, anger and worry.
We commit ourselves to pray with you for those whom you know in these conditions and situations and praise God that you are praying with us.
We praise God that the majority of the Pacto, including ourselves, have figured out how to stay in community with one another – with church and ministry communities, with family, etc.—through the social media and phone calls. We pray that this will be able to include all and will continue to promote community not only locally, but on a regional, national and world scale.