Beds with Character

     While on Home Assignment, we often find ourselves in interesting conversations with a variety of people in a variety of settings. Not all questions that we are asked are the same, but many of them are asking for information of similar categories regarding ministry, family, Colombian politics, economics, social environment, etc. Recently Gary was asked a question that he had never before been asked, “How many beds have you slept in during your Home Assignments?”!!!
     That caused Gary to stop for a moment and think (and, NO, he didn’t come up with the answer!). We keep a Home Assignment log of the places that we visit and the times that we represent Serve Globally and the Evangelical Covenant Church, the times that we speak on behalf of Colombia, our Colombia Mission, our ministry and the Covenant of Colombia. This log is very beneficial as it serves a variety of purposes for Serve Globally and for relationships with different partnerships and partners. It helps us to be proactive in recognizing the many relationships that we have and encourages us to keep those relationships current and active. The log also helps us to remember correctly, something that we have found is important in this age of social media where one’s information can be shared and accessed in ways that we don’t even know about.
     But, how many beds have we slept in? That was a good question. Recently Gary shared a story of one of the funniest/oddest beds that he and Mary Lou shared while being hosted by a family many years ago. Just thinking about this question brought to mind all of the cherished memories we have of the times we have spent in homes, or with people, that have given us opportunities to meet people and get to know people who are incredibly interesting, talented, and who have challenged us to be more of who God is calling us and imagining us to be. For many, the chance to get to know a “missionary” is an intriguing proposition. What do you think it is from our perspective to get to know people from, literally, all walks of life? It is very special.
The best part of that question about the number of beds slept in was – the bed we slept in after hearing that question was actually one of the best of the best – ever!

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