This past month of November, the Hands With Hope Project continued to accompany the selected women in their personal walks in life and in the “A B C’s of Small Business Development”. Through weekly gatherings the women are learning from Yeidy Zapata, a pastor’s daughter, who has been trained by the Colombian National Learning Service Center. Each of these women was alone in trying to move ahead and make ends meet. Now, they feel part of a group. They have been able to celebrate the birthday of Angela Echaverria, one of the board members, and laugh together. This kind of celebration and study time together helps to draw the women closer in friendship and encouragement as they move closer to reaching their goals in their personal lives and in their participation in the project. The October visit from David Husby, International Director of Covenant World Relief, also served to inspire these women, as they were able to see and hear that the Hands With Hope Project is part of a larger movement, worldwide, to improve communities around the world.