CHICAGO, IL (January 9, 2007) – Hardly a week goes by that we do not receive a few comments from readers on stories published as part of the Covenant online news report.
We will share from time to time some of those responses generated through the “comments” link attached to each published story. This kind of feedback is very helpful to our Covenant News Service staff as we seek to identify and publish stories of great interest to a broad spectrum of online readers of this report.
Following are comments relating to recently published stories, edited in some cases for length. To read a particular story of interest, click on the headline.
Covenanters Pay Respects to Gerald Ford
Ken Soper of Caledonia, MI, writes: Gerald Ford’s life was an example to many people of a man who followed what he sensed was his calling – national government representative of his hometown. In so doing, he lived his life as a real person, not caught up in the wrangling and distrust politics often portrayed in the media (to sell stories and advertising). In a sense, he followed in the footsteps of William Wilberforce and others whose true intent has been servanthood. I was privileged to know his son, Mike, while we were both in seminary in the mid 1970’s. For Mike and his family – and especially his mother, Betty – we should pray God’s peace and blessing in the coming days. And we should pray for all those in leadership in our communities, that they might follow Gerald Ford’s example of service and quiet faith. God calls us all to faithful stewardship of his gifts to us – talents, treasures, time, and all creation – as scriptures point out in many places, particularly in Matthew 25. I believe Gerald Ford followed these principles.
Bikes for Zambia Focus of Project Proposal
Jim and Joyce Gaetke of Reno, NV, write: What an awesome story. We do hope and pray that this plan works as it sounds like it would be most beneficial to the people of Africa.
Advent: A Christmas Gift Without a Price Tag
Roberta Osterloh of Lafayette, IN, writes: This story touched my heart – not only because I know Debbie to be a blessed child of God, but because it reminded me of my mom who lived with us for eight years. My daughter (and my mom’s great-grandchildren) gave her this precious gift of time consistently. Nothing meant as much.
Heavy Rain Devastates Congo Community
Ken Soper of Caledonia, MI, writes: Wondering how the ECC is going to respond, and what might be done by individual congregations and individuals to respond to this need of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Immigration Arrests Hamper Church’s Outreach Efforts
Suzy Choi of Chicago, IL, writes: “The federal government left, and we’re left picking up the pieces” is right on. Families are now torn apart and people are displaced. This will definitely have a big impact on the community. I think the church is absolutely right in what it’s doing. I am an immigrant myself, and although I do not support illegal immigration, I believe that God calls us to help those that are already here. Our love should always be unconditional, and helping illegal immigrants is not some political statement about immigration, it’s a statement about what it means to build God’s kingdom.
Young Heroine Challenges Icy River to Rescue Family
Karen Walker of Turlock, CA, writes: That young lady represents the best of the best of our Covenant young people. Our God is an awesome God and has absolutely awesome kids!
Jan Thornbloom of Chicago, IL, writes: These are the kind of stories that should be in our news to show the world that not all our youth are bad, but we also have good, strong young people willing to risk their lives to help others. Thanks to you for printing the story and God bless the group that worked to save the family.
Dawson to Succeed Johnson as NCP President
Carolyn Larson of Londonderry, NH, writes: I’m thrilled to read of Steve Dawson’s transition to National Covenant Properties (NCP) president. He is a servant leader who has served faithfully in his current role at Church Growth and Evangelism. Over the years, many congregations have benefited from his wisdom, and I’m very optimistic about the future of NCP with Steve at the helm. Congratulations, Steve, and may God bless you as you continue to serve him in your new role!
Doug Hedberg of Mount Vernon, WA, writes: The recent announcement that Steve Dawson will be succeeding David Johnson as NCP president is notable. David has been devoted and steady in the significant growth and operations of NCP. I wish him God’s speed as he begins the next chapter of his life – he has given much. Steve’s selection as president is great. His experiences within the banking industry and within our denomination position him nicely for this important calling. He will serve both investors and borrowers well in moving NCP to the next level of ministry. God’s continued blessing on these gentlemen and the NCP board.
Eating Healthy – This Cook Makes It Simple
Susan Leonard of Southampton, NY, writes: I am looking for a copy of an old cook book by your church called “Come into our Kitchens.” Does anyone remember it? Are there new ones for purchase? Hope to hear from someone.
Vicki Marxen of Oshkosh, WI, writes: I have learned that if I do not care for myself, I’m less effective in my ministry. I’m awestruck that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore I’m moved to care for my body by generally healthy eating and exercise. The stress eating I do doesn’t help my stress – so I’m learning healthier ways. Teaching seminary students about healthy nutrition is a great idea.
Cathy’s Cup Initiative Funds Two Compassion Projects
Jim Anderson of Portland, OR, writes: What a beautiful story, the gentle work of one person now expanding to reach the neediest. It’s one of a series over recent weeks: the Gutierrez and Claiborne stories, a church reaching out to “the poorest of the poor,” American children giving to help Sudanese children, the HIV/AIDS stories, Cathy’s Cup, and more. I know these are not isolated incidents. There’s a movement afoot, and it’s wonderful to behold! Thank you for telling us about that movement.
Lutefisk – It’s No Joke for One Minnesota Congregation
Wally Abramson of Richfield, MN, writes: A day without lutefisk is like a day without sunshine.
Fresh Material Being Developed for New Member Orientation
Jeffrey Jones of Biwabik, MN, writes: Good to see you are working on an update. I have just completed a condensed version of the orientation class and couldn’t believe how much has changed. I have always been grateful for these resources. Thank you again for letting us know you are looking at different methods of learning. Please don’t lose the visual aspects of the material – all the great graphics and pictures and diagrams and videos. Some of those are essential.
Older Stories
Occasionally we receive comments about stories published some time ago. Most often, readers come across them while topically perusing search engines or when visiting the online Covenant News Archive maintained by Covenant News Service. We appreciate reader comments at any time about any story that has appeared as part of our online Covenant news report.
Mike Holmgren: His Life Reads Like a Good Book
Jean Bergdale Eilers of Valdosta, GA, writes: My ancestors all came from Sweden and I can relate to his childhood experiences. I will always root for whatever team he is coaching. He is a wonderful example to everyone. What a beautiful story.
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