A limited number of $300 scholarships are available to retired Covenant pastors who are not currently serving in a paid ministry position, says Donn Engebretson, executive vice president responsible for the conference. These scholarships, intended to help defray costs of attending the conference, are available on a first-come basis.
The scholarship is available to those desiring to attend the 2009 Pastors Midwinter Conference, which will take place February 2-6 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois. Theme of the 2009 conference is Living Our Affirmations: the Centrality of the Word of God.
Copies of the scholarship application form were included in a mailing last week to the Covenant Ministerium. Completed application forms should be mailed no later than November 30 to the Department of the Ordered Ministry, 5101 N. Francisco Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60625. Click here to download and print a scholarship application form. Or, request a copy of the form by writing the department or calling 773-583-3211.
Pastors must register for the Pastors Midwinter Conference to be eligible for a scholarship. Midwinter Conference registration forms, along with a Midwinter brochure, will be mailed in November.
Confirmation that a scholarship has been awarded will be in the form of a check mailed to applicants in late December or early January, after the Midwinter registration and payment are confirmed by the Midwinter registrar, Engebretson notes. Applicants will be notified if they do not qualify, he adds.
A second scholarship also is available for credentialed Covenant pastors who are in active service, Engebretson points out. As with the other scholarship, the intent is to help offset expenses for pastors with special circumstances. Click here to download and print a scholarship application form. Or, request a copy of the form by writing the department or calling 773-583-3211.
The application will not be processed until after the Midwinter registration and payment are confirmed by the Midwinter registrar.
Certain conditions apply to this scholarship, which are detailed on the application form. The completed form, including a copy of the local church budget, must be mailed to the appropriate conference superintendent prior to November 1 for review. The conference will forward the form to the Department of the Ordered Ministry to arrive by the November 30 deadline. Applicants will be notified if they do not qualify.