Castaway Kid Continues to Grow in Popularity

Post a Comment » Written on January 30th, 2009     
Filed under: News
CHICAGO, IL (January 30, 2009) – Covenanter Rob Mitchell’s book, Castaway Kid, has sold 40,000 copies since being published in 2007.

The book narrates his life from when he was abandoned as a three-year-old at Swedish Covenant Hospital to growing up in Covenant Children’s Home at Princeton, Illinois, and working to overcome deep emotional scars.

“I am grateful that women and men, teen girls and boys, of all ethnic and socio-economic status are connecting to the wounds of their own personal lives, and yet finding hope that if Robby in the orphanage can rise up with God’s help, that there is still hope for them,” says Mitchell. “I am most moved by senior citizens who have shared how they had lost hope that healing was possible for their wounds, but Castaway Kid has given them hope.”

Castaway Kid coverDespite the heavy theme, it is not a dark book. “Most people say they never cried so hard, yet also laughed out loud,” Mitchell says.

Writing the book took a dozen years. “I am grateful I didn’t rush the book and took the 12 years necessary to work and rework how to share this story of hope,” Mitchell says. Click here to read an earlier Covenant News Service story. To read a feature article published in The Covenant Companion, click here. To learn more about the history of the book, visit the Castaway Kid website.

The book recently was translated into German and is now selling in that country under the title, Kind der Hoffnung (Child of Hope).

Mitchell recently appeared on the Crystal Cathedral’s Hour of Power broadcast, during which he was interviewed by Robert Schuller. He also told his story during a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) segment.

He also is scheduled to be a featured speaker along with Dr. Tony Evans and Dr. Dennis Rainey during Summit V, which will take place in May at the Christian Alliance for Orphans in Dallas.

Click here to purchase a copy of Castaway Kid from the online Covenant Bookstore.

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