Savok died of an apparent heart attack Thursday.
Pastor Harvey Fiskeaux will officiate, representing the ECC and the Evangelical Covenant Church of Alaska (ECCAK), according to Rodney J. Sawyer, ECCAK field director.
“Harvey and Fred were especially close,” Sawyer says, noting that Harvey served as editor of Fred’s first book, “Jesus and the Eskimo.” He was in the process of editing Fred’s second book at the time of Savok’s death. “Fred also was working on his third book, which may still be on his computer,” Sawyer adds. “In all probability, Harvey will work with the family in trying to finish these works and move to publication. This is valuable history for the ECC as well as understanding Christianity from the mind of one of our wise elders and leaders.”
In addition to pastoring several Covenant congregations in Alaska, he also was a popular KICY radio personality.
More information will be posted to this Covenant News Service report as it becomes available.