Twenty-five staff members spent two hours Monday raising the $10,000 tent in preparation for the annual Maple Fest this weekend, says Executive Director David Auker. The previous tent was destroyed under the weight of a foot of snow last December. Insurance covered most of the $10,000 needed to replace the tent, Auker adds. To view photos, see Tent Raising.
The camp is close to completing negotiations to replace at least several of the eight boats that were damaged beyond recognition in a January warehouse fire. Auker says boats will be available for all camp activities.
The Maple Fest will take place from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. this Sunday. The day will feature an “all you can eat” oatmeal pancake breakfast, a tour to see how maple syrup is made on site, and helicopter rides as well as other family activities.
Pancake tickets are $7.50 for ages 13 and up, $4 for kids age four to 12, and free for children under age four. Raffle tickets and helicopter rides can be purchased separately.
Proceeds will be used for Day Camp scholarships – the day camps are offered in partnership with the Lake Geneva YMCA.
For more information, visit the Covenant Harbor website.