Victoria Welter Book Scholarship

Post a Comment » Written on March 7th, 2006     
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CHICAGO, IL (March 7, 2006) – The Victoria Welter Book Scholarship provides $300 for seminary books or classes.

The Victoria Welter Scholarship was created in honor of Victoria Welter, the first female student to graduate from North Park Theological Seminary (NPTS). However, when the class picture was taken, she was denied her place in the photo because her classmates voted against allowing her to be part of it. This award seeks to reclaim her place in Evangelical Covenant Church history, at one time denied her, by honoring her legacy for women who still pursue ministerial degrees years after her time at North Park.

Eligibility: Awarded to a female seminarian who is a member of an Evangelical Covenant Church and enrolled as a full-time student at NPTS, pursuing a Master’s in Ministry degree (full-time is 8 credits).

Application: Deadline for applications is May 1 for the following school year. The scholarship is given bi-annually in even-numbered years. Applications will be reviewed by the ACCW Award Selection Team, which includes members of the ACCW Board, a member of the Commission for Biblical Gender Equality, and a member of the Covenant Ministerium board.

Notification of Scholarship Award: The recipient should be notified in June.. It is expected that the recipient will attend the ACCW business meeting in June if possible, or a Midwinter Conference, if possible. If not possible, please submit a photo and a short biography.

Recognition and Distribution: Recipient will receive the award as part of the ACCW meeting during the Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting in June.

Requirements: A completed ACCW Victoria Welter Book Scholarship application form (available from conference offices), the signature of the Dean of Faculty confirming full-time status, a one-page single-space essay on the importance of theological education, a brief biographical sketch including the individual’s call to seminary and ministry, the signature of the local church pastor or church chair as to active participation in the local Covenant church, two written letters of recommendation – one from a professor and one from a fellow student, colleague or church member, and an explanation of how the award will be used (for books or for class credits).

Award: $300 paid directly to the student, a one-year membership in ACCW, and a one-year paid subscription to The Covenant Companion or Covenant Home Altar (recipient’s choice).

Information should be mailed to the attention of Catherine Gilliard at ACCW Victoria Welter Book Scholarship, P.O. Box 847, Pine Lake, GA, 30072.

Copyright © 2011 The Evangelical Covenant Church.

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