KICY Strengthening Reach into Russia

Post a Comment » Written on December 14th, 2004     
Filed under: News
NOME, AK (December 14, 2004)  – A blossoming ministry to Russians, a special  trip to a remote community and a ministry to locals during stormy  weather are three things that KICY radio has to shout about during recent months,  according to general manager Dennis Weidler.

The Russian ministry has been going on for many years, but few knew  about it, said Weidler. However, a more concerted effort was made in  2001 to send a directional signal and since January this year, 50,000  watts have been beaming programming to that country. And, according to  recent information given by a number of sources, the response has been noteworthy.

“We’ve heard spotty reports and when the ‘Ice Curtain’ came down during  Reagan’s administration, we realized we had a tremendous opportunity,”  said Weidler. “Now that we’re being more intentional in doing ministry, we’re finding out.”

A new face to the radio station, Luda Kinok, has been an important  figure as KICY expands its Russian ministry. She grew up in a small  Russian far east village in the Chukotka Peninsula. Before moving to  Nome, she was serving a church in Provideniya, a village of 2,500 that is only 160 miles from Nome that is considered  Nome’s sister city.

“She knows them and they know her,” said the general manager about  Kinok. “She’s youthful, has a lot of enthusiasm for Christ and knows the  value of what knowing Christ can do for communities. People are very  hungry for the gospel and she is able to articulate it. And, in  addition, she has been able to start a daily prayer request program  because she knows so many of the pastors.”

KICY’s special trip – this time to Savoonga in September – has become a  regular ministry for the radio station. This one was especially helpful  as an encouragement as the village has experienced numerous suicides in  recent months.

The KICY staff flew into the village of 650 (located 200 miles from Nome  on St. Lawrence Island) and cooked spaghetti for those in attendance.  The event, held at a local school, also included a four-hour sing-a-long at a nearby  Presbyterian church. As an added touch, CDs were made for individuals  free of charge.

Of course, KICY’s on-site presence is also beneficial to the region. A  series of storms in Nome has made it difficult for local residents – an  estimated $12 million in damages throughout the region – and the radio  station was an important contact point for emergency units of all kinds.

“We had a lot of damage,” Weidler said about the area. “One area about  20 miles away had a bridge going across a safety inlet. The bridge was  lost during the first storm and the second storm took out all of the  (repair) work they had done from the first one.”

KICY will host its daily CareForce prayer request radio program during  the Evangelical Covenant Church’s Midwinter Pastor’s Conference in  February. Representatives are organizing a host of salmon dinners in the  Chicago area and also in Wisconsin and the Twin Cities during the weeks  following the annual event.

In upcoming months, KICY will learn if the Federal Communications  Commission will approve an application to further increase its power by  increasing the height of the station’s antenna. If approved, KICY will  be able to reach many more people in the city of Nome (population 3,800)  and extend programming to outlying communities, Weidler said.

To learn more about KICY and the location of the Midwinter dinners, call  Weidler at 907-443-2213 or 800-478-5429. To learn more about KICY’s  programming, visit the station’s website at

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