To Oaxaca!


This is my new favorite phrase. “Moving to Oaxaca!” We will fly there in an airplane! I am so very excited. I like airplanes a lot. It will be fun to fly in one again.


We are so excited to be at 95% pledged! We began 2014 with a handful of individuals and only one church supporting us at just 20% pledged. We now have 20 churches and over 60 individuals or families partnering with us prayerfully, financially, or through invitation. How amazing is that? We are so grateful for each of you and your partnership with us. God is good!


Mommy is finished with her job at Cedarcreek and I am so excited to have her around all the time! She does work on sending love to our friends and supporters, but she tries to let me help as much as possible. Daddy continues to be hard at work raising support – even though we are nearly at our goal, as we look at possibly extending our term and eventually transitioning to Long Term Missionary status, we need to continually be seeking partnerships with individuals and churches.


We are currently seeking visas from the Mexican Government, but the process is continually changing so we need prayer that things would go smoothly. We will find out this week from legal counsel about the exact order we will need to do tasks in order to obtain our visas. We hope to be able to purchase plane tickets in the next two weeks so we can be in Oaxaca by mid-April. We will let you know once we have our official departure date.

We will be dedicating Jinora at Cedarcreek Covenant Church on Sunday, March 22nd. Following service, there will be an Open House Farewell for us from 1:00-4:00pm. We hope to do several other farewell get-togethers as well. If you would like to attend Jinora’s dedication and/or our Open House Farewell, please let us know and we will get you all the details.


Last weekend we moved in with our friends, Jess & Eric Lex. I love having them to myself ALL THE TIME, but it has been hard to leave our home. I miss Floyd and Jeanne, I miss my donkeys and goats, I miss our tiny house. We are all having a hard time adjusting.


Jinora is sitting up on her own and she holds the toys I give her. We play together, but Mommy says she isn’t big enough to fight yet. I am talking in full sentences and love to run with my Mommy. I have a Captain America suit and shield that Eric, Daddy, and Mommy made me and I ride my bike and dodge nerf bullets just like the comics! It is so much fun.


That’s all for now, I will keep you in the loop!


Also, look how silly our parents are…





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