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Just say YES!

Posted by on September 6, 2011

Packed house for VBS in the Dominican Republic

Recently we went to the Dominican Republic for a week of ministry.  We took a short bus ride up into the mountains and enjoyed a packed house.  The children ran through the rain to learn about Jesus.  By the end of the service many seats were shared by two smiling children….however, this seat was right outside the door….


The room was completely packed and yet here was an empty chair.  My first thought when I saw this chair was…”Hum….was someone else suppose to be on this trip?  I mean…here is a saved seat for someone!  Who did God want here?  Did I need to extend an offer to someone?  Did someone need to send money for the person who was suppose to sit here?  Did someone need to say yes to join the team?  Or, was someone in the village suppose to be invited by this mystery person who didn’t go on the trip?  An empty chair on a mission trip….not something I want to see again.  Say YES!  Go on a trip.  Say YES!  Send money.  Just say YES!


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