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2015 Merge Stats

Posted by on December 28, 2015

MERGE numbers for 2015…

1. We are going to meet our goal for 2015. Our goal was to have at least 494 participants in 2015 and we will probably reach 505-510 participants.

2. Our ministry numbers increase for 2015 will be 0%, but that is after growing 18% in 2013 and 16% in 2014.

3. Our largest fall (September-December) in history was 47 participants in 2012. Our second-largest was 40. That means the fall of 2015 will be the second-largest in our history, with the possibility of it being the largest ever!

4. Our goal for 2016 is 1034 participants. So far we trestimate we have about 530 participants already to go on our 2016 trips, so we are already 1/2 way there.

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