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Posted by on November 6, 2011


What a great October!
Check out the fantastic list below to see everything that has been accomplished:


MERGE Open House @ The DeCastro’s
Saturday, Nov. 12th at 6:30
Plainfield, IL
Fellowship and Information

Rockford Women’s Luncheon
Guest Speaker:  Jenifer DeCastro
Sunday, Nov. 13th

Urban Ministries Conference
Philadelphia, PA
Nov.  15th

USA Mission site visit
Pittsburgh, PA
Nov.  16th

I have often been overwhelmed by the encouragement and support I have received from all of you – my friends and family.  Do I like what I am doing?  Absolutely!  MERGE ministries is full of integrity, character, and credibility and I am part of it!  I feel like I have found my place.  Please continue to keep me/us in prayer as we are preparing for 2012 teams, as well as building relationships and awareness of who MERGE is.  If you, your youth group, bible study group, church, or family would like to go on a mission trip in 2012, please let us know so we can get you on the calendar!

Fundraising:  I am at approximately 7% of my goal.  Am I worried?  No.  God has a plan and purpose.  Each of you that receives this letter have a Kingdom mentality.  I know that you are already joyful givers and that most of you have commitments.  When God speaks to you and when it is HIS time, then I know the finances will pour in.  If you feel like you need to do something now, check out my blog for some ideas that do not require money up front; or go to give today.

The most important thing I would like to share in the letter is this:  PLEASE PRAY!  I find that I am very excited to minister and my brain won’t slow down.  Sleep can be difficult right now.  Also, I am having a hard time knowing when to just “preach it” and when to simply talk about missions.  If you would like personal prayer requests such as above, please e-mail me so I know who to keep informed; otherwise, I will just mention a few in the monthly newsletters.

I would like to close with this prayer for you!
Lord, bless those that are reading this letter.  May Your Spirit speak to them clearly on what role they are to play in MERGE ministries.  May they find prosperity and joy in all they do.  Protect them and their loved ones at home, at work, at school, and when traveling.  Show them Your love like they have never seen it before!  Thank you, Lord, for being who You are!

With all joy,
Jenifer DeCastro
Domestic Trip Coordinator


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